After following the instructions here to setup libxml on Swift: libxml/tree.h no such file or directory
I encountered an error while compiling which said:
Opening import file for module 'Swift': Not a directory
I've searched online and they recommending cleaning the project which didn't work for me. Any idea what's causing this error?
Issue cropped up after adding my first swift class to the project.
I fixed it by going into the build settings for ALL targets (including the actual project) and remove any erroneous paths from
Framework Search Path
Simplified the main target to:
And by removing an old, erroneous path to
on the project.I got this error when I had an invalid path to a framework in my
Framework Search Path
andUser Header Search Paths
. I simply fixed the path by adding ".framework" to the end of the path, to make the path valid, and this error went away.