I am looking to serve multiple routes from a single GCP cloud function using python. While GCP Functions actually use flask under the hood, I can't seem to figure out how to use the flask routing system to serve multiple routes from a single cloud function.
I was working on a very small project, so I wrote a quick router of my own which is working well. Now that I'm using GCP Functions more, I'd either like to figure out how to use the Flask router or invest more time on my hand rolled version and perhaps open source it, though it would seem redundant when it would be a very close copy of flask's routing, so perhaps it would be best to add it directly to Flask if this functionality doesn't exist.
Does anyone have any experience with this issue? I'm guessing I'm missing a simple function to use that's hidden in Flask somewhere but if not this seems like a pretty big/common problem, though I guess GCP Functions python is beta for a reason?
Edit: Abridged example of my hand rolled version that I'd like to use Flask for if possible:
router = MyRouter()
@router.add('some/path', RouteMethod.GET)
def handle_this(req):
@router.add('some/other/path', RouteMethod.POST)
def handle_that(req):
# main entry point for the cloud function
def main(request):
return router.handle(request)
Following solution is working for me:
Based on http://flask.pocoo.org/snippets/131/