Execute javascript on IIS server

2020-04-04 16:58发布

I have the following situation. A customer uses JavaScript with jQuery to create a complex website. We would like to use JavaScript and jQuery on the server (IIS) for the following reasons:

  1. Skills transfer - we would like to use JavaScript and jQuery on the server and not have to use eg VB Script. / classic asp. .Net framework/Java etc is ruled out because of this.

  2. Improved options for search/accessibility. We would like to be able to use jQuery as a templating system, but this isn't viable for search engines and users with js turned off - unless we can selectively run this code on the server.

There is significant investment in IIS and Windows Server, so changing that is not an option.

I know you can run jScript on IIS using windows Script host, but am unsure of the scalability and the process surrounding this. I am also unsure whether this would have access to the DOM.

Here is a diagram that hopefully explains the situation. I was wondering if anyone has done anything similar?

EDIT: I am not looking for critic on web architecture, I am simply wanting to know if there are any options for manipulating the DOM of a page before it is sent to the client, using javascript. Jaxer is one such product (no IIS) Thanks.

2楼-- · 2020-04-04 17:47

I think the only viable solutions you're likely to find anywhere near ready to go involve putting IIS in front of Java. There are two browser-like environments I'm aware of coded for Java:

1) Env-js (see http://groups.google.com/group/envjs and http://github.com/thatcher/env-js ) I believe this one has contributions from jQuery's John Resig and was put together with jQuery testing/support in mind.

2) HTMLUnit (see http://htmlunit.sourceforge.net/ ) This one's older, and wasn't originally conceived around jQuery, but there are reports in the wild of using it to run jQuery's test suite successfully (http://daniel.gredler.net/2007/08/08/htmlunit-taming-jquery/ ).

If you want something pure-IIS/MS, I think your observation about windowsScript host and/or something like the semi-abandoned JScript.NET is probably about as close as you're going to come, along with a port (which you'll probably have to start) of something like Env-js or HTMLUnit.

Also, I don't know if you've seen the Wikipedia list of server-side JavaScript solutions:


Finally... you could probably write a serviceable jQuery-like library in any language that already has some kind of DOM library and first-class functions (or, failing that an eval facility). See, for example pQuery for Perl (http://metacpan.org/pod/pQuery ). This would get you the benefits of the jQuery style of manipulating documents. Skill transfer is great and JavaScript has a wonderful confluence of very nice features, but on the other hand, having developers who care enough to learn multiple languages is also great, and js isn't the only nice language out there.

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