I am new in laravel. I am trying the command nmp install. it does not work. Then as shown in their official documentation, I tried
npm install --global gulp-cli
but I was getting access denied error. So I gave
sudo npm install --global gulp-cli
It seemed to give me some correct result. then I gave
npm install --no-bin-links
but it says that,
"npm WARN vagrant@1.0.0 No description npm WARN vagrant@1.0.0 No repository field."
I tried
npm install -d
though the result ended with "ok" (after running the command the first line said "it worked if it ends with ok"), it still contains
""npm WARN vagrant@1.0.0 No description npm WARN vagrant@1.0.0 No repository field."
And when I gave the command
the answer was no gulpfile found. In my project there is a gulpfile.js file (I am not sure about which gulpfile it is talking :\ )
what to do? My node version is V5.12.0
It won't find the gulp file if it is spelled Gulpfile.js, either. That capital G has thrown me down a well or two. Really make sure of your syntax!
This error means that gulp doesn't find gulpfile.js to follow the instructions. To solve this error we need to add gulpfile.js to our directory root by running the command.
Create gulpfile.js and then add