selector: 'xx',
templateUrl: './xx.html',
styleUrls: ['./xx.css'],
providers: [ RouterOutlet]
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private routeroutlet: RouterOutlet){ }
getref() {
console.log('refresh', this.routeroutlet.component);
i'm getting this error
core.es5.js:1224 ERROR Error: Outlet is not activated
at RouterOutlet.get [as component] (router.es5.js:5449)
at AppComponent.onRefreshscrum (app.component.ts:343)
at Object.eval [as handleEvent] (AppComponent.ngfactory.js:111)
at Object.handleEvent (core.es5.js:12251)
at Object.handleEvent (core.es5.js:12975)
at dispatchEvent (core.es5.js:8863)
at eval (core.es5.js:11025)
at SafeSubscriber.schedulerFn [as _next] (core.es5.js:3851)
at SafeSubscriber.__tryOrUnsub (Subscriber.js:223)
at (Subscriber.js:172)
console result:(this.routeroutlet)
RouterOutlet {
parentContexts: ChildrenOutletContexts,
location: null,
resolver: CodegenComponentFactoryResolver,
changeDetector: ViewRef_,
activated: null, …}activateEvents: EventEmitter {_isScalar: false, observers: Array(0),
closed: false,
isStopped: false,
hasError: false,
closed: false
hasError: false
isStopped: false
observers: []thrown
Error: null
__isAsync: false
_isScalar: false
__proto__: Subject
activated: null
activatedRoute: (...)activatedRouteData: (...)changeDetector: ViewRef_ {_view: {…}, _viewContainerRef: null, _appRef: null}
component: [Exception: Error: Outlet is not activated
at RouterOutlet.get [as component] (webpack:///./~/@angular/router/@angular/router.es5.js?:5449:23)
at RouterOutlet.remoteFunction (<anonymous>:2:26)]deactivateEvents: EventEmitter {_isScalar: false, observers: Array(0),
closed: false,
isStopped: false,
hasError: false, …}
isActivated: (...)location: nulllocationFactoryResolver: (...)l
ocationInjector: (...)name: "primary"
parentContexts: ChildrenOutletContexts {contexts: Map(1)}resolver: CodegenComponentFactoryResolver {_parent: null, _ngModule: NgModuleRef_, _factories: Map(52)}_activatedRoute: null__proto__: ObjectactivateWith: ƒ (activatedRoute, resolver)activatedRoute: (...)activatedRouteData: (...)attach: ƒ (ref, activatedRoute)component: (...)deactivate: ƒ ()detach: ƒ ()isActivated: (...)locationFactoryResolver: (...)locationInjector: (...)ngOnDestroy: ƒ ()ngOnInit: ƒ ()arguments: (...)caller: (...)length: 0name: ""prototype: {constructor: ƒ}__proto__: ƒ ()[[FunctionLocation]]: router.es5.js:5400[[Scopes]]: Scopes[3]constructor: ƒ RouterOutlet(parentContexts, location, resolver, name, changeDetector)get activatedRoute: ƒ ()get activatedRouteData: ƒ ()get component: ƒ ()get isActivated: ƒ ()get locationFactoryResolver: ƒ ()get locationInjector: ƒ ()__proto__: Object
The above console result is for console the routeroutlet obj.
I want to access the instance of the component which is rendered in router-outlet. how i access the instance of the component?
Don't try to use RouterOutlet as a provider. Instead add the (activate) attribute to your router-outlet tag like this:
And then in the component containing the router-outlet element (your AppComponent class) you should implement the onRouterActivate method:
which will give you the route component instance in the event parameter, in this example written to the web console.
If you want the DOM element you will need to get the DOM element of the
, and then get the next sibling after the activate() event.There's several ways of getting the
element, such as withViewChild
.Another way is with a directive, applied to
. I used this approach for a directive that adds classes to the component DOM element.