I have a form which submit a form via AJAX with :remote => true. Looking at the server log and FireBug, I get the response 200 OK and it returns JSON in the form of:
{ "email": "test@test.com"}
then I have these two handlers:
$('#new_invitation').bind("ajax:success", function(event, data, status, xhr) {
$('#new_invitation').bind("ajax:error", function() {
and even if I get back a 200OK, it is the error handler that fires. The only time I managed to make the success handler work was when I send a empty response with 200 in the header.
I can't figure out why this isnt working :-S
EDIT 1------------ After doing these changes:
$('#new_invitation').bind("ajaxSuccess", function(event, data, status, xhr) {
$('#new_invitation').bind("ajaxError", function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
I am still getting the same error. The log stuff gives me:
Here is the code for the form (standard Rails stuff):
<%= form_for @shoot.invitations.new, :url=>shoot_invitations_path(@shoot), :remote => true, :html => {:class => 'form-inline'} do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :email, :'placeholder' => 'ex: test@test.com' %>
<%= f.text_field :role, :'placeholder' => 'ex: Photographer' %>
<%= f.submit "Invite", :class => 'btn btn-success' %>
<% end %>
EDIT 2 ---------
I did a few changes and now it seems my error is a parse error. I dont understand because this is the JSON I am getting back from the server (data.responseText), which seems all good:
ANSWER --------- I managed to have everything work when I put :'data-type' => :json in the form options. I tried this before and it did not work because I put it in the form_tag options and not the html options...
instead ofajax:success
, andajaxError
instead ofajax:error
for your eventTypes.See here: http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax_Events
(On Rails 5.2 and jQuery 2) I spent an hour comparing two bits of UJS code side-by-side to no avail: both return a similar format Javascript function call (to update the front-end), and a status of 200 but one triggers
and the other doesn't. I was able to eliminate the problem by switching from jquery_ujs to rails-ujs in the application.js manifest:Note the hyphen vs the underline!
Now both calls behave the same (correct) way. I hope this helps someone else.
Check that $.ajax's datatype is set to jsonp
Try to return {email:"ahsgah@ahsgh.com"}
JSON.parse('') throws an error. To me, that is stupid, it should return undefined. I added this code to my app
or for u poor people not using coffeescript ( untested )
If the server returns something that isn't valid JSON, such as a single space, jQuery will generate a parse error and consider it a failed request even if the status code is 200.
As of jQuery 1.9 a completely empty response is considered a failed request when the type is set to JSON since an empty string is invalid JSON. See http://jquery.com/upgrade-guide/1.9/#jquery-ajax-returning-a-json-result-of-an-empty-string.