I'm using Google Cardboard with the Street View App. I want to be able to create a link that sends users directly into the Street View App to view a specific location.
Within the Street View App I can create a link from a location, if it's a featured location within the app, the link it generates works perfectly and looks something like this: http://www.google.com/maps/streetview/#us-highlights/faneuil-hall-boston
If it's not a featured location, the URL it generates is different and opens in google maps, rather than the Street View app, looking something like this: https://www.google.com/maps/@/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s7lx0Oz8OSTwIweRXw7eNiA!2e0
Is it possible to create a URL that opens in the Street View App that isn't a featured location. If so, what's the process/format?
You can launch the Google Maps for iOS application in street view mode with the
URL Scheme by setting the mapmode parameter to streetview.Objective c
Swift 4
& more details here on Google Streetview.