I am using the new React-navigation from react-native. I have the navigation as follows:
- TabNavigator // HomeNavigation
- TabNavigator // NotificationNavigation
Full code:
const MainNavigation = StackNavigator({
Home: {
screen: HomeNavigation,
Notification: {
screen: NotificationNavigation,
const HomeNavigation = TabNavigator({
AllPost: {
screen: All,
ArticlePost: {
screen: Article,
BusinessPost: {
screen: Job,
HomeNavigation.navigationOptions = {
title: 'Home',
header: {
right: <SearchNotification/>
class SearchNotification extends React.Component {
goToNotification = () => {
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Icon name="md-search" style={styles.Icon}/>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.notificationWrapper} onPress={this.goToNotification}>
<Icon name="md-notifications" style={styles.Icon}/>
<Text style={styles.number}>3</Text>
const NotificationNavigation = TabNavigator({
Comment: {
screen: NotificationComment,
Follow: {
screen: NotificationFollow,
HomeNavigation has a header, and the header has a right component of SearchNotification. SearchNotification has an icon which on press I would like to go to the NotificatoinNavigation.
However, if I make changes to the header of HomeNavigation to this way, the SearchNotification is not displayed in the header.
HomeNavigation.navigationOptions = {
title: 'Home',
header: {
tintColor: 'white',
style: {
backgroundColor: '#2ec76e',
right: ({navigate}) => <SearchNotification navigate={navigate}/>
How can I navigate to different screen from a button in a header?
So the problem was (I think), inside the
instead of usingnavigations
I had to usenavigate
, and pass it as a props to the child (i.e. the SearchNotification).So the final code looks like this:
And within the SearchNotification component:
Code that worked for me:
And to move to other screen: