Switching players in tic tac toe game

2020-04-01 08:12发布

I'm writing a Tic Tac Toe game and I want to switch players between '1' and '2'.

How can I set the winning condition (horizontal, vertical and diagonal wins)?

def isWinner(self):
        Checks whether the current player has just made a winning move.  In order
        to win, the player must have just completed a line (of 3 squares) with 
        matching marks (i.e. 3 Xs  or 3 Os). That line can be horizontal, vertical,
        or diagonal.
        Inputs: none
        Returns: True if current player has won with their most recent move; 
                 False otherwise
        def switch_players():
          players = [1,2]
          player = players[self.turn]
          self.turn = (self.turn + 1) % len(players)
        return player

Here is my entire code.

class ClassicTicTacToe:
    def __init__(self):
        Initializes an empty Classic Tic Tac Toe board.
        Inputs: none
        Returns: None
        self.continue_game = True
        self.turn = 1
        print('------------------------------\nThis is a Classic Tic Tac Toe.')

    def drawBoard(self):
        Displays the current state of the board, formatted with column and row 
        indices shown.
        Inputs: none
        Returns: None
        global local_board
        if self.boardFull():
          self.continue_game = False
        while self.continue_game:
          self.pos_y_c = int(input('Player '+ player +', please enter a row: '))
          self.pos_x_c = int(input('Player '+ player +', please enter a column: '))

    def squareIsEmpty(self, row, col):
        Checks if a given square is "empty", or if it already contains an X or O.
           row (int) - row index of square to check
           col (int) - column index of square to check
        Returns: True if square is "empty"; False otherwise
        global local_board
        return {row, col} <= {0, 1, 2} and local_board[row+1][col+1]  == ' '

    def update(self, row, col, mark):
        Assigns the string, mark, to the board at the provided row and column, 
        but only if that square is "empty".
           row (int) - row index of square to update
           col (int) - column index of square to update
           mark (str) - entry to place in square
        Returns: True if attempted update was successful; False otherwise
        global local_board
        if row < 0 or row > 2:
          row = int(input('Error: row not in correct range. Player'+ player +', please enter a row:  '))
        elif col < 0 or col > 2:
          col = int(input('Error: column not in correct range. Player'+ player +', please enter a column: '))

        if self.squareIsEmpty(row,col):
          local_board[row+1][col+1] = mark
          print('Error: could not make move!')

    def boardFull(self):
        Checks if the board has any remaining "empty" squares.
        Inputs: none
        Returns: True if the board has no "empty" squares (full); False otherwise
        global local_board
        check = True
        for row in local_board:
          if " " in row:
            check = False
        return check

    def isWinner(self):
        Checks whether the current player has just made a winning move.  In order
        to win, the player must have just completed a line (of 3 squares) with 
        matching marks (i.e. 3 Xs  or 3 Os). That line can be horizontal, vertical,
        or diagonal.
        Inputs: none
        Returns: True if current player has won with their most recent move; 
                 False otherwise
        def switch_players():
          players = [1,2]
          player = players[self.turn]
          self.turn = (self.turn + 1) % len(players)
        return player

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