Springboot Rest Api parameter encrypt by using apa

2020-03-31 11:39发布

I want to encrypt rest api path parameter in apache camel(springboot) spring dsl . I have tried different methods using crypto dataformat on camel but it was not working.

I have added camel crypto 2.14.0

I am new in this technology.i know the below code is wrong. I tried Below code

<route streamCache="true" trace="true" errorHandlerRef="globalErrorHandler">

    <from uri="direct:getCustomerPortfolio" />
    <to uri="direct-vm:routeProcessor" />
    <setHeader headerName="CamelHttpMethod"><constant></constant><constant>GET</constant></setHeader>
    <log message="ID: ${header.id}"/>
        <crypto shouldAppendHMAC="true" initVectorRef="init" inline="true" algorithm="DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" keyRef="cryptoKey" />
    <to uri="{{base.url}}{{customerPortfolio.url}}${header.id}?view=${header.view}" />
    <log message="body: ${body}"/>
        <crypto shouldAppendHMAC="true" initVectorRef="init" inline="true" algorithm="DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" keyRef="cryptoKey" />
    <toD uri="{{base.url}}{{customerPortfolio.url}}${header.id}.encrypted?view=${header.view}" />   

My main agenda is I need to encrypt ${header.id} only Id value which is coming in rest api

please help me to resolve this issue. Give me some idea also

Advance thanks for your help

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