I am trying to make my own MusicPlayer for android. Where i came to a problem is running some things in background. Main activity manages GUI and up to now all the songs are playing. I wanted to separate GUI and music playing classes. I want to put music managing part in Service and leave other things as they are now.
My problem is that i can't organize communication between Activity and Service as lot of communication is happening between them including moving objects in both directions. I tried many techniques that I searched here on Stack Overflow but every time I had problems. I need Service to be able to send objects to Activity and vice versa. When I add widget i also want it to be able to communicate with Service.
Any tips are appreciated, if you need source code place comment bellow but now in this transition it became chaotic.
Is there any more advanced tutorial on this than calling one method that returns random number from service? :P
EDIT: Possible solution is to use RoboGuice library and move objects with injection
The best way in this case is to communicate by doing broadcasting from your service for different actions and receiving it in your activity. You can create a custom broadcast and send some codes defining specific events like complete, change, prepare etc...
Most easy and efficient way will be using EventBus from GreenRobot.
Use simple 3 steps:
1 Define events
2 Prepare subscribers: Declare and annotate your subscribing method, optionally specify a thread mode:
Register and unregister your subscriber. For example on Android, activities and fragments should usually register according to their life cycle:
3 Post events:
Intents are good solution for communication between Activitiy and Service.
A fast solution for receive intents in your service is subclassing IntentService class. It handles asynchronous requests expressed as Intents using a queue and worker thread.
For communication from service to Activity you can broadcast the intent but instead of using normal sendBroadcast() from Context, a more efficent way is to use LocalBroadcastManager from support library.
Example service.
Example Activity
I think there is a problem with the correct answer. I have not enough reputation to comment on it.
Right in the answer: Activity call bindService() to get pointer to Service is ok. Because service context is maintained when connection is maintained.
wrong in the answer: service pointer to Activity class to call back is bad way. Activity instance maybe not null during Activity context is being Release => exception here.
solution for the wrong in the answer: service send intent to Activity. and Activity receiver intent via BroadcastReceiver.
Note: in this case, Service and Activity in the same Process, you should use LocalBroadcastManager to send intent. It make performance and security better
Very easy yet powerful way is to use EventBus you can add it to your gradle build and enjoy the easy publisher/subscriber pattern .
have a look at android documentation