I'm having a trouble implementing with my login script from domain where it calls another batch script from a local pc. The problem is that one of the Group Policy is to restrict Batch script from running and disabling cmd.exe. Is there a way to convert my batch script to vbscript where it uses nircmd.exe to capture screenshot every one minute? Below is my batch script being called by another script from my Domain.
echo > %cd%\Synch.tmp
if exist "%cd%\Synch Center" goto :create
MKDIR "%cd%\Synch Center"
MKDIR "%cd%\Synch Center\%USERNAME%"
attrib +r +h +s "%cd%\Synch Center"
MKDIR "%cd%\Synch Center\%USERNAME%"
attrib +r +h +s "%cd%\Synch Center\%USERNAME%"
cd /d c:\system
if not exist "%cd%\Synch Center\%USERNAME%" goto :create
Synchcenter.exe savescreenshotfull "%cd%\Synch Center\%USERNAME%\%USERNAME%-
attrib +r +h +s "%cd%\Synch Center\%USERNAME%\%USERNAME%-capture-%date:~10,4%
timeout 60
if not exist "%cd%\synch.tmp" goto :exit
goto :capture
I'm hoping for answers thank you in advance!!
From this link
First you must use an external tool named NirCmd where you can download it here http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html
Direct Link for NirCmd (32 bits) and Direct Link for NirCmd (64 bits)
Edit : on 22/02/2016 @ 15:40