how can i programmatically show/hide this opaque view from UISearchDisplayController?
Probably in searchDisplayControllerWillBeginSearch
or searchDisplayControllerDidBeginSearch
i need to set something... but what?
how can i programmatically show/hide this opaque view from UISearchDisplayController?
Probably in searchDisplayControllerWillBeginSearch
or searchDisplayControllerDidBeginSearch
i need to set something... but what?
Temporary solved using
.OpaqueView is an UIControl with alpha = 0.8.
I used this ORRIBLE way to temporary fix problem.... any other idea will be appreciated!
Code given by elpsk is current but will not work in iOS7 and above
Code working in both iOS6 and iOS7 is as below
- add below notification in viewDidLoad
Write below function
NOTE : Code just have one extra condition as in iOS7 UIControl class become UISearchDisplayControllerContainerView,
The other answers where not working for me. This one works for me on iOS7 and iOS8.
If you don't need support for iOS7 please don't use the searchDisplayController anymore because its deprecated. For iOS8 use the UISearchController and the dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation Property
Mmmm...quick answer. Not pretty but surely works
That view is showed when you're writing, so I guess you should use it at searchBarTextDidBeginEditing. If I'm wrong, use it when you start searching or whatever.