How to use Javascript to manipulate modal content?

2020-03-31 07:06发布

I am using bootstrap modals and Ruby on Rails. I was able to display the modal fine but I am having trouble using Javascript to manipulate the contents of the modal. I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I was not able to use Javascript to impact the contents of the modal at all, to the point that I started wondering if there are such a thing as different stack levels on the DOM elements or whether even the modal contents are part of the DOM.

Here is my app/views/home/index.haml:

- url = @entry.class.to_s.downcase.singularize
= link_to(send("#{url}_path", @entry), remote: true) do
  = yield

The view contains the link to open up the modal and in this case @entry represents an image object. And in the images controller we have the show action, which I am using to display the modal:

def show
  authorize! :view, @image
  @can_destroy = can?('delete_asset', @image)
  @can_edit = can?('edit_metadata', @image)
  respond_to do |format|

And for the modal views, I have the app/view/show.js.erb

$("#modals").html('<%= j render "images/modal", image: @image %>');
$('#modals .modal').modal();
$('#modals .modal').modal('.toggle');

And finally, I have the modal partial in app/views/images/_modal.haml

      = image_tag(@image.file_original.url(:modal))
            short description: #{@image.description_short}
              %span#toggle-text SHOW
        #detail.details{:style => "display: none"}
            %i media type:
          = @image.media_type
            %i subject:
          = @image.subject
            %i title:
          = @image.title
            %i full description:
          = @image.description
            %i location:
          = @image.location
            %i date:
            %i author:
            %i source:
          = @image.source
            %i tags:
          = @image.tag_list.join(' - ')
          %div.modal-detailsgreen This item is shared by
            = @image.user.name_first
            = @image.user.name_last

Now I want to hide and show (toggle) the contents of the div with id= "detail" and class ="details" when the link with class= "detailers" is clicked on. I have tried to write Javascript inside the show.js.erb to manipulate the contents of the modal with no success. Is there a certain place I should put my JS to manipulate the contents of the JS ?

2楼-- · 2020-03-31 07:33
$('#modals .modal').on('', function () {
  // do something… 
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