I'm trying to apply CamanJS filter to a canvas created with KineticJS. It works:
Caman("#creator canvas", function()
After applying a CamanJS filter I'm trying to do sth with canvas (eg. drag and move layer or just click on it), but then the canvas reverts to its original state (before applying CamanJS filter). So the question is: how to "tell" KineticJS to update cache(?) or do sth like stage.draw() to keep new canvas data?
Here is jsfiddle (click on "apply filter", when processing will be done, try to drag the star).
BTW: why is the processing so slow?
Thanks in advance.
As you've discovered, Kinetic will redraw the original image when it internally redraws.
Your Caman modified content is not used or saved.
To keep your Caman effect, you can create an offscreen canvas and instruct your Kinetic.Image to get its image from that offscreen canvas.
Then you can use Caman to filter that canvas.
The result is that Kinetic will do its internal redraws with your Caman modified canvas image.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/m1erickson/L3ACd/
Code Example: