Below is the actual table
In the table above:
1) FEID is the examination ID which remains same for one exam, like ist semester examination of particular class. So it will remain same for all rows in above table as it consists of data of single exam always.
2) To store result of single student, marks for each subject are entered in each row. So if there are 5 subjects in a class,For each student marks of 5 subjects will be stored in 5 separate rows with marks obtained in each subject
3) Result, Result_code, NCHMCTID remain same in each row of single student. Like in above table, their values remain same in 3 rows.
Due to some reasons I cant remove this redundancy
So my question is, I need to store result of one student in single row, but number of rows related to single student to store each subject marks is not pre determined(number of subjects can change and determined dynamically)
So , if I have 5 subjects marks in 5 rows, I need those in single row.
Below is exactly what I need to convert above table into:
Above there are only 3 subjects, but they can be more than 3 subjects also.
To get subjects list, I use below query for the same and get subjects like: [vb],[c(p)],VB(p) stored in single variable which I was trying to use in pivot table.
DECLARE @values varchar(max);
SET @values = '';
SELECT @values = @values +'['+ CAST(SubjectName AS varchar(max))+ ']' + ','
FROM tbSubjects where SubID IN(Select SubID from tbFinalMarks Where FEID=2) ;
SET @values = SUBSTRING(@values, 1, Len(@values) - 1)
Full procedure is below :
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[prFinalMarksLoadByFEID]
@FEID int
DECLARE @values varchar(max);
SET @values = '';
SELECT @values = @values +'['+ CAST(SubjectName AS varchar(max))+ ']' + ','
FROM tbSubjects where SubID IN(Select SubID from tbFinalMarks Where FEID=2) ;
SET @values = SUBSTRING(@values, 1, Len(@values) - 1)
SELECT @values As 'Values'
select Student_Name,@values,Result,NCHMCTID,Examination_Name from
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
(SELECT dbo.tbStudent.Name AS Student_Name, dbo.tbSubjects.SubjectName AS Subject_Name, dbo.tbFinalMarks.MarksObtained AS Marks_Obtained,
dbo.tbFinalMarks.Result, dbo.tbFinalMarks.ResultCode AS Result_Code, ISNULL(dbo.tbStudent.NCHMCTID, 'Not Available') AS NCHMCTID,
dbo.tbFinalExam.ExaminationName as Examination_Name
FROM dbo.tbFinalMarks INNER JOIN
dbo.tbSubjects ON dbo.tbFinalMarks.SubID = dbo.tbSubjects.SubID INNER JOIN
dbo.tbStudent ON dbo.tbFinalMarks.StdID = dbo.tbStudent.StudentID INNER JOIN
dbo.tbFinalExam ON dbo.tbFinalMarks.FEID = dbo.tbFinalExam.FEID
) ps
MAX(Marks_Obtained) For Subject_Name IN ([VB],[VB(P)],[C(P)])
) AS pvt
But I am not able to do it. Please help
Below part give me actual table which i need to manipulate for result table
(SELECT dbo.tbStudent.Name AS Student_Name, dbo.tbSubjects.SubjectName AS Subject_Name, dbo.tbFinalMarks.MarksObtained AS Marks_Obtained,
dbo.tbFinalMarks.Result, dbo.tbFinalMarks.ResultCode AS Result_Code, ISNULL(dbo.tbStudent.NCHMCTID, 'Not Available') AS NCHMCTID,
dbo.tbFinalExam.ExaminationName as Examination_Name
FROM dbo.tbFinalMarks INNER JOIN
dbo.tbSubjects ON dbo.tbFinalMarks.SubID = dbo.tbSubjects.SubID INNER JOIN
dbo.tbStudent ON dbo.tbFinalMarks.StdID = dbo.tbStudent.StudentID INNER JOIN
dbo.tbFinalExam ON dbo.tbFinalMarks.FEID = dbo.tbFinalExam.FEID
I used [vb],[vb(p)],[C(P)] instead of @values ( it contains subjects list) as using @ values in below part gives me error:
MAX(Marks_Obtained) For Subject_Name IN ([VB],[VB(P)],[C(P)])
) AS pvt
Below is the data:
FEID Student_Name Subject_Name Marks_Obtained Result Result_Code NCID Exam_Name
2 roof VB 100 First 1234 ist semester
2 roof VB(P) 100 First 1234 ist semester
2 roof C(P) 100 First 1234 ist semester
2 Amir VB 100 First nbb 8 ist semester
2 Amir VB(P) 100 First nbb 8 ist semester
2 Amir C(P) 100 First nbb 8 ist semester
Here's your query: