I have document structure like this -
"_id" : "11223344",
"orderId" : "00001041",
"key" : "56h68ab4c876dbe1cd0b1ee"
"status" : [
"updatedTimeStamp" : ISODate("2017-06-01T16:05:42.737Z"),
"orderStatus" : "INITIATED"
"updatedTimeStamp" : ISODate("2017-06-01T16:05:42.737Z"),
"orderStatus" : "CONFIRM_PAYMENT"
"updatedTimeStamp" : ISODate("2017-06-01T16:07:36.797Z"),
"updatedTimeStamp" : ISODate("2017-06-01T16:20:36.798Z"),
"orderStatus" : "ORDER_CONFIRMED"
"updatedTimeStamp" : ISODate("2017-06-01T16:51:27.562Z"),
"orderStatus" : "PREPARED"
"updatedTimeStamp" : ISODate("2017-06-01T17:31:27.562Z"),
"orderStatus" : "DISPATCHED"
"customerDetails" : {
"firstName" : "XXXX",
"lastName" : "XXXXX",
"emailId" : "xxxx_xxxx@gmail.com",
"phoneNumber" : "XXXXXXXXX"
"amountPaid" : "250.0",
"orderDetails" : {blah... blah... blah...}
In this orders collection, I want to search for all documents for given status x (say CONFIRM_PAYMENT). So it is find by max value of "updatedTimeStamp" in array of documents "status" and if that max array embedded document is equal to status "CONFIRM_PAYMENT", then whole document should be included in final result.
Can we solve it with Criteria API?
There is similar kind of question - MongoDB find by max value in array of documents . But I want to do it with either spring criteria or aggregate api. Below is the query I made by help of above mentioned question. This query is giving all Ids of documents that I want. I am interested in complete documents.
{$match: {key:"56h68ab4c876dbe1cd0b1ee"}},
{$unwind: "$status"},
{$project:{Id:"$_id",status:"$status.orderStatus", updatedTimeStamp:"$status.updatedTimeStamp"} },
{$sort:{updatedTimeStamp:1} },
{$group: {_id: "$Id", LatestStatus:{$last: "$status"}, updatedTimeStamp:{$last: "$updatedTimeStamp"} } },
Can someone help to solve this with either criteria or aggregate API? *There is one other filter in this query that is "key".
You can use $expr ( 3.6 mongo version operator ) to use aggregation functions in regular query.
query operators
vsaggregation comparison operators
operator to find the$max
updated timestamp element in status array followed by projecting the status value and comparison to check value against the input status.So shell query is
Spring code:
Mongo 3.4 complaint version:
Shell Query:
Spring Code: