Hi I am trying to add an image into a google maps infoWindow, my code is like this a script
var ContactUs = function () {
return {
//main function to initiate the module
init: function () {
var map;
map = new GMaps({
div: '#map',
lat: -13.004333,
lng: -38.494333,
var marker = map.addMarker({
lat: -13.004333,
lng: -38.494333,
title: 'Loop, Inc.',
infoWindow: {
content: "<b>Loop, Inc.</b> 795 Park Ave, Suite 120<br>San Francisco, CA 94107"
marker.infoWindow.open(map, marker);
Then in my HTML it gets called like this:
<div class="row-fluid">
<div id="map" class="gmaps margin-bottom-40" style="height:400px;"></div>
I tried adding an image tag into the script file but it doesn't work, I understand I have to add some code in the html file instead but not sure as to what?
You add your HTML to reference the image in the InfoWindow "content"
Above assumes the image "myimage.jpg" in the local directory. You can also use an absolute URL. Be careful of mixing " (double quotes) and ' (single quotes).
Use this, I tried this one in my app:
Instead of: