Cant call a function multiple times in Redis Lua s

2020-03-30 07:26发布

I have a function inside Redis Lua script. If I call the function once everything runs smooth. But if I call the function multiple times I get an error "ERR Protocol error: expected '$', got ' '"

var doesExist6 = db.ScriptEvaluate(@" local userName = KEYS[1]

                                                    local function mysplit(inputstr, sep)
                                                            if sep == nil then
                                                                    sep = '%s'
                                                            local t={}  
                                                            local i=1
                                                            for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, '([^'..sep..']+)') do
                                                                    t[i] = str
                                                                    i = i + 1
                                                            return t

                                                    local abc = {}
                                                        abc = mysplit(userName, ':')
                                                        for k = 1, #abc, 1
                                                            print (abc[k])

                                                        local xyz = {}
                                                        xyz = mysplit(userName, ':')
                                                        for k = 1, #xyz, 1
                                                            print (xyz[k])

                                                        return xyz[1][2]",

            new RedisKey[] { "UserDetails:" + "DummyUser" });

If I call the function mysplit() only once to populate the table 'abc' then everything runs smooth but if I call the function mysplit() second time to populate the table xyz it throws an error "ERR Protocol error: expected '$', got ' '".

What could be the possible reason? Is it that Redis does not allow functions inside Lua scripts?

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