I have been trying get a stream from a byte array in metro style app using the following code.
InMemoryRandomAccessStream memoryStream = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream();
memoryStream.AsStreamForWrite().Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
It executes with no errors but stream size is zero (0). Can anybody tell me why is its size is zero?
You can also use the BinaryWriter/BinaryReader to read and write from and to byte[] and Streams.
Another option is to use built in extension methods as Marc Gravell already mentioned:
The extension methods are commented with [Security Critical] which may indicate a later change. However, after looking around a bit I couldn't find any additional information on the security code comment.
You can use the DataWriter and DataReader classes. For example ...
I know this is a very old question, but I was running into this issue myself today and figured it out so I'll leave this here for others.
I realized that the stream wasn't being written if it was too small. To fix this, I explicitly set the length of the stream like this:
That should be all you need.