i have a problem with my script that use canvas.
I want to move my image but with drawImage the image moves but the result is something like that:
so, my code is
function desenhaBonecoDir(){
var ctxt = document.getElementById('camadaBoneco').getContext("2d");
bonecoX = bonecoX -10;
ctxt.drawImage(bonecoLeft, bonecoX, bonecoY);
and i think that the only way is using SVG (retained mode). It is correct?
Any tutorial? or example? - "how moving an image with SVG" How i can solve that?
This code solves my problem
Good example here: http://brighthub.com/internet/web-development/articles/38744.aspx?p=3
You need to erase all or part of your canvas and redraw. Yes, using SVG or HTML + CSS is easier, but not necessary.
Here's an example of moving sprites over a background, with the option to erase and redraw all or part of the BG: http://phrogz.net/tmp/image_move_sprites_canvas.html
Note that just using CSS is faster than canvas.