I've been developed a Hybrid App using Intel XDK + Cordova , It has been built for android platform with no pain and is running in a good condition BUT at the time of build for iOS platform the XDK asks me for mobile-provision and p12 certificates and it's password ! I know I should have the Apple Developer account to build the certicates but please pay attention that now I'm living in Iran and its impossible to create one , beside it there is no need to publish the final app on the Apple official App Store , I just need the certificates for build the app and turn my codes into .ipa file , the final .ipa will be submitted into a local market and they will publish it with their certificates and etc ...
THE QUESTION IS : is there any way or solution to obtain a certificate (even fake one) just for bypassing the build stage of XDK !?
P.S. : while ago I found a fake certificates but the XDK had alert for the password
Nope. To my knowledge, there is no way to get around this. For the build process to even work, you need to generate your certificates using the .csr (certificate signing request) associated with your specific Intel XDK account.
An apple developer account must be involved at some point in the process to get an app that can be built using Intel XDK's cloud building process.
(If someone else has information to the contrary, please feel free to correct me)
I am an active Intel XDK developer with an Apple account as well as Android and Windows. With the Intel XDK you develop your IOS app on Windows or Linux up until you submit the IPA bundle to the App Store for review. You don't need a developer's account until you are ready to build IPA (iPhone build from the Intel XDK), because you need to download the CSR from the Intel XDK IOS build panels and then log into your Apple Developer's account to create an App Store distribution certificate for each IOS app you will be building/submitting. Then download the certificate, include in your Intel XDK project, then upload and build your IPA bundle. The IPA is Apple's bundle as APK is for Android. Here are the steps to build an IPA from the Intel XDK.