I have made the inner loop which is doing comparison and swapping but i am having a difficulty in implementing outer loop which will run according to the number of elements.
Arr: .word 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
.globl main
la $a0, Arr # Pass the base address of the array Arr to input argument register $a0
addi $a1, $zero, 5 # initialze the value of sorting loop ($al=5)
li $t1, 0 # initialize the value of outer loop (t1=0)
lw $s1, 0($a0) # Load first element in s1
lw $s2, 4($a0) # Load second element in s2
bgt $s1, $s2, swap # if (s1 > s2) go to swap
addiu $a0, $a0, 4 # move pointer to next element
subiu $a1, $a1, 1 # decrement the value of inner loop ($a1)
bgtz $a1, sort # loop till value of inner loop is not equal to zero
j end
sw $s1, 4($a0) # put value of [i+1] in s1
sw $s2, 0($a0) # put value of [i] in s2
j sorting_loop
end: # End the program
li $v0, 10
Your inner pass looked pretty good, but [I think] it was going one past the end with the
(e.g. for an array of 5, the loop count must be 4). I've fixed that.I've added the outer loop. Please excuse the gratuitous style cleanup, but it's how I could understand your logic before adding to it. I renamed some of your labels so they would make more sense to me.
When I added the outer loop, I converted your inner one into a function called by the outer loop [seemed cleaner that way].
I added two optimizations: decrementing the pass count and the "early escape" flag [if a given pass makes no swaps].
I've also added a number of annotations. The code may not be perfect, but I think it will help get you closer.