I have the following SQL query.
select colA, sum(colB) as colB from tableA group by colA order by colB desc;
I have used jpa criteria builder to build the query dynamically.
List<String> selectCols = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> sumColumns = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> groupByColumns = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> orderingColumns = new ArrayList<>();
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> cQuery = builder.createQuery(Tuple.class);
Root<T> root = cQuery.from(getDomainClass());
List<Selection<?>> selections = new ArrayList<>();
for (String column : selectCols) {
if (sumColumns != null) {
for (String sumColumn : sumColumns) {
List<Expression<?>> groupByExpressions = new LinkedList<>();
for (String column : groupByColumns) {
List<Order> orders = new ArrayList<>();
for (String orderCol : orderingColumns) {
I debugged and checked the exact sql statement that is getting executed.
select colA as col_1_0, sum(colB) as col_2_0 from tableA group by colA order by colB desc;
The resultant sql statement that is getting executed doesn't have the alias for colB as colB. I am using MySql. Surprisingly, this statement gets executed and I get proper results when sql mode is set to NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION. But when the sql mode is ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY, the database throws an error saying
Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'colB' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
I understand that in this mode, sql validates the query and my query fails. How do I create an alias with jpa criteria builder so that the actual statement getting executed contains a proper alias for the sum column?
Note: I use spring-data-jpa and this is a custom implementation of repository. I can manually write the query using @Query annotation but the nature of the queries are dynamic on group by, order by, where clauses and the select columns. Hence the need for a dynamic criteria builder implementation.
Try sorting over the aggregate. In my experience, column aliases usually can't be referenced in the query itself.
i think so you have bug in
, you schould addcolA
or instead
you can use