How to get the maximum of sections.Id in below document where collection._id = some parameter
"_id" : ObjectId("571c5c87faf473f40fd0317c"),
"name" : "test 1",
"sections" : [
"Id" : 1,
"name" : "first section"
"Id" : 2,
"name" : "section 2"
"Id" : 3,
"name" : "section 3"
I have tried below
"$match": {
"_id": ObjectId("571c5c87faf473f40fd0317c")
"$group" : {
"_id" : "$_id",
"maxSectionId" : {"$max" : "$sections.Id"}
But instead of returning max int single value it is returning an array of all Ids in sections array.
Further same query when executed in node.js it returns an empty array.
Replace $group with $project
In the $group stage, if the expression resolves to an array, $max does not traverse the array and compares the array as a whole.
With a single expression as its operand, if the expression resolves to an array, $max traverses into the array to operate on the numerical elements of the array to return a single value
[sic]You can do using simple
stageSomething like
your aggregation query need
for opennig to"sections"
arrayadd your aggregation query this
and your refactoring aggregation query like this
and more knowledge for