I am attempting to use Python 3 to interface with the Twitter API to return the link for a page that gives me a pin number to use to request access tokens. As detailed here: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/pin-based-authorization
Twitter's API responds to me telling me that I have not properly authorized my POST request by returning a 401. My best guess as to why is that I'm not encoding the HMAC signature in base64 correctly. Everything other part of the POST request I generate appears correct based on samples of correct POST requests I have looked at.
I have spent several days working on this and I am hoping someone can help nudge me past the final part.
Here are the most relevant parts of the Twitter API docs: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/post/oauth/request_token
This is the code I am using:
import urllib.parse, urllib.request, json
from hashlib import sha1
import hmac
import binascii
import time
import random
import sys
#Server Links
REQUEST_URL = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token";
ACCESS_URL = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token";
AUTHORIZE_URL = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize";
#Consumer keys
TOKEN = "Omitted"
TOKEN_SECRET = "Omitted"
#Access keys
TWEET = ""
count = 1
while len(sys.argv) > count:
TWEET += sys.argv[count] + " "
count += 1
TWEET = TWEET[:-1] #Get rid of trailing space
print(TWEET + "\n")
#Build content header for POST to return request tokens
HEADER_TITLE = "Authorization:"
#Consumer key
HEADER = 'OAuth oauth_callback="oob" oauth_consumer_key="' + TOKEN + '", '
HEADER += 'oauth_nonce="'
NONCE = ""
for i in range(32):
NONCE += chr(random.randint(97, 122))
HEADER += '", '
TIMESTAMP = str(int(time.time()))
HEADER += 'oauth_signature="'
PARAMETER_STRING = "include_entities=true&oauth_consumer_key=" + TOKEN + "&oauth_nonce=" + NONCE + "&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=" + TIMESTAMP + "&oauth_version=1.0"
BASE_STRING = 'POST&' + urllib.parse.quote(REQUEST_URL, '') + '&' + urllib.parse.quote(PARAMETER_STRING, '')
SIGNING_KEY = urllib.parse.quote(TOKEN_SECRET, '') + '&'
HEADER += str(binascii.b2a_base64(hmac.new(BASE_STRING.encode(), SIGNING_KEY.encode(), sha1).digest()[:-1]))#Note to self, we may not want to remove the last character...
HEADER += '", '
#Signature Method
HEADER += 'oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", '
HEADER += 'oauth_timestamp="' + TIMESTAMP + '", '
HEADER += 'oauth_version="1.0"'
print(HEADER_TITLE + "\n" + HEADER)
print(urllib.request.urlopen(urllib.request.Request(REQUEST_URL, bytes(HEADER_TITLE+HEADER, 'utf-8'))).read())
Finally, I would like to note that I am aware of the existence of Python OAuth and Twitter modules which aid in development for this. However, as a learning experience, I am choosing not to use them.
Thank you very much in advance for your time and assistance.
An overview of what I changed:
method. str() seemed to be appending b to the string.hmac.new
- if you don't use include_entities in the request (and I believe it doesn't make sense for the token request) it mustn't be included in the PARAMETER_STRINGoauth_callback=oob
to the begin of thePARAMETER_STRING
- all oauth parameters except for the oauth_signature must be included in the base string.HEADER_TITLE
Here's a fixed version of your code:
Does not look like your signature base string is correct. Basically, you're not including any parameters in the base string as far as I can see.
To quote the twitter docs on the topic of signature base strings:
The parameter string is in turn made like this: (and I am quoting):