I was refactoring some code, and part of it included moving it from VB.Net to C#.
The old code declared a member like this:
Protected viewMode As New WebControl
The new code, I eventually got working, like this:
protected WebControl _viewMode = new WebControl(HtmlTextWriterTag.Span);
I can presume that the New
keyword meant: call the constructor! But how was VB.Net calling a constructor (a parameter-less one) that I couldn't call in C#?
The reason this worked in VB, and not in C#, had nothing to do with assemblies.
The default constructor for WebControl is protected.
VB and C# have different interpretations of what "protected" means.
In VB, you can access a protected member of a class from any method in any type that derives from the class.
That is, VB allows this code to compile:
Because a "Derived1" is a base, it can access protected members of "other", which is also a base.
C# takes a different point of view. It doesn't allow the "sideways" access that VB does. It says that access to protected members can be made via "this" or any object of the same type as the class that contains the method.
Because "Foo" here is defined in "Derived1", C# will only allows "Foo" to access "Base" members from a "Derived1" instance. It's possible for "other" to be something that is not a "Derived1" (it could, for example, be a "Derived2"), and so it does not allow access to "m_x".
In this case of your code, VB allowed "sideways" access to the "WebControl" constructor.
C#, however, did not.
Webcontrol wc = tab;
The default constructor for WebControl (implicit in the VB line) is to use a span. You can call that constructor in c# as well as VB.NET.
Accessing inherited protected constructors from a derived class in any context would raise data encapsulation issues.
Historically, C# since very first version allowed such access. But it was fixed in VS 2005. Derived classes can call their base protected constructors only from their own constructor now.
In VB.NET, you can initialize variables in two ways. First with the assignment operator followed the declaration; second with the "As New" statement.
In case of the protected constructor, the "As New" always works fine. As for initialization by assignment it will raise a compilation error. But if you have more than one constructor in the base class, the assignment initialization will work as well!
Probably the reason why VB.NET allows this kind of access is in compatibility with legacy code.
More details: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/peterhal/archive/2005/06/29/434070.aspx