Is it possible to add inline style css variable using Renderer2
I tried the following but it doesn't work.
import { Component, OnChanges, Output, ViewChild, Renderer2, ElementRef, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
export class CollapsibleComponent implements OnChanges {
@ViewChild('collapsibleContent') collapsibleContent: ElementRef;
private renderer: Renderer2
) { }
ngOnChanges() {
measureCollapsibleContents() {
this.renderer.setStyle(this.collapsibleContent.nativeElement, '--expanded', this.collapsibleContent.nativeElement.firstElementChild.offsetHeight + 'px' )
'--expanded' isn't a proper css property so angular won't add any style to my div.
If I do add a proper css property it will work like the code below.
this.renderer.setStyle(this.collapsibleContent.nativeElement, 'top', this.collapsibleContent.nativeElement.firstElementChild.offsetHeight + 'px' )
the output for my div will be
<div style="top: 160px">...</div>
I would like to achieve something like below
<div style="--expanded: 160px">...</div>
I have also tried [ngStyle]
but that also doesn't render any value but the style attribute.
[ngStyle]="{'--expanded': expandedHeight }"
Outputs to
<div style>...</div>
Angular sanitizes CSS variables set in property bindings. You can bypass this behavior with DomSanitizer.
Live demo
You might find this article interesting. It goes into details on theming Angular components with CSS variables.