I am using Angular 4 Reactive Forms to create a dropdown
<select id="city" formControlName="city" (change)="onCitySelect($event)" >
<option *ngFor="let city of cities" [ngValue]="city" >
{{ city }}
When a value is selected in the dropdown, I want to call a method and display the selected value.
Here is my code to do this
onCitySelect(event) {
I was expecting it to print the City name as shown in the dropdown. However, it seems it displays the index number as well. For instance,
2: London
Instead of just London
which is actually shown in the dropdown.
How can I get the city name without the index?
You can subscribe to formControl to fire a function on change of value and hence eliminating this
You can do this
where 'myForm' is your formGroup which has formControl 'city' so whenever you select value console.log() will happen hence no need to add onChange event
also instead of [ngValue] you can directly give [value] and what ever value you define here will get logged on change
Since you are using Angular 4 Reactive Forms, you can do as follows:
let say you have this declaration in your typescript file for your component:
So you can use:
to access the selected value forcity
instead of[ngValue]
if you have a string or number as option value and don't want to use[(ngModel)]="..."
.For object values you always should use