How to design proper release of a boost::asio sock

2019-01-15 09:43发布

I am making a few attempts at making my own simple asynch TCP server using boost::asio after not having touched it for several years.

The latest example listing I can find is:

The problem I have with this example listing is that (I feel) it cheats and it cheats big, by making the tcp_connection a shared_ptr, such that it doesn't worry about the lifetime management of each connection. (I think) They do this for brevity, since it is a small tutorial, but that solution is not real world.

What if you wanted to send a message to each client on a timer, or something similar? A collection of client connections is going to be necessary in any real world non-trivial server.

I am worried about the lifetime management of each connection. I figure the natural thing to do would be to keep some collection of tcp_connection objects or pointers to them inside tcp_server. Adding to that collection from the OnConnect callback and removing from that collection OnDisconnect.

Note that OnDisconnect would most likely be called from an actual Disconnect method, which in turn would be called from OnReceive callback or OnSend callback, in the case of an error.

Well, therein lies the problem.

Consider we'd have a callstack that looked something like this:


This would cause errors as the call stack unwinds and we are executing code in a object that has had its destructor called...I think, right?

I imagine everyone doing server programming comes across this scenario in some fashion. What is a strategy for handling it?

I hope the explanation is good enough to follow. If not let me know and I will create my own source listing, but it will be very large.

Edit: Related

) Memory management in asynchronous C++ code

IMO not an acceptable answer, relies on cheating with shared_ptr outstanding on receive calls and nothing more, and is not real world. what if the server wanted to say "Hi" to all clients every 5 minutes. A collection of some kind is necessary. What if you are calling on multiple threads?

I am also asking on the boost mailing list:

Fickle 薄情
2楼-- · 2019-01-15 10:24

While others have answered similarly to the second half of this answer, it seems the most complete answer I can find, came from asking the same question on the Boost Mailing list.

I will summarize here in order to assist those that arrive here from a search in the future.

There are 2 options

1) Close the socket in order to cancel any outstanding io and then post a callback for the post-disconnection logic on the io_service and let the server class be called back when the socket has been disconnected. It can then safely release the connection. As long as there was only one thread that had called io_service::run, then other asynchronous operations will have been already been resolved when the callback is made. However, if there are multiple threads that had called io_service::run, then this is not safe.

2) As others have been pointing out in their answers, using the shared_ptr to manage to connections lifetime, using outstanding io operations to keep them alive, is viable. We can use a collection weak_ptr to the connections in order to access them if we need to. The latter is the tidbit that had been omitted from other posts on the topic which confused me.

3楼-- · 2019-01-15 10:27

Connection lifetime is a fundamental issue with boost::asio. Speaking from experience, I can assure you that getting it wrong causes "undefined behaviour"...

The asio examples use shared_ptr to ensure that a connection is kept alive whilst it may have outstanding handlers in an asio::io_service. Note that even in a single thread, an asio::io_service runs asynchronously to the application code, see CppCon 2016: Michael Caisse "Asynchronous IO with Boost.Asio" for an excellent description of the precise mechanism.

A shared_ptr enables the lifetime of a connection to be controlled by the shared_ptr instance count. IMHO it's not "cheating and cheating big"; but an elegant solution to complicated problem.

However, I agree with you that just using shared_ptr's to control connection lifetimes is not a complete solution since it can lead to resource leaks.

In my answer here: Boost async_* functions and shared_ptr's, I proposed using a combination of shared_ptr and weak_ptr to manage connection lifetimes. An HTTP server using a combination of shared_ptr's and weak_ptr's can be found here: via-httplib.

The HTTP server is built upon an asynchronous TCP server which uses a collection of (shared_ptr's to) connections, created on connects and destroyed on disconnects as you propose.

4楼-- · 2019-01-15 10:35

The way that asio solves the "deletion problem" where there are outstanding async methods is that is splits each async-enabled object into 3 classes, eg:

  • server
  • server_service
  • server_impl

there is one service per io_loop (see use_service<>). The service creates an impl for the server, which is now a handle class.

This has separated the lifetime of the handle and the lifetime of the implementation.

Now, in the handle's destructor, a message can be sent (via the service) to the impl to cancel all outstanding IO.

The handle's destructor is free to wait for those io calls to be queued if necessary (for example if the server's work is being delegated to a background io loop or thread pool).

It has become a habit with me to implement all io_service-enabled objects this way as it makes coding with aiso very much simpler.

5楼-- · 2019-01-15 10:43

Like I said, I fail to see how using smart pointers is "cheating, and cheating big". I also do not think your assessment that "they do this for brevity" holds water.

Here's a slightly redacted excerpt¹ from our code base that exemplifies how using shared_ptrs doesn't preclude tracking connections.

It shows just the server side of things, with

  • a very simple connection object in connection.hpp; this uses the enable_shared_from_this

  • just the fixed size connection_pool (we have dynamically resizing pools too, hence the locking primitives). Note how we can do actions on all active connections.

    So you'd trivially write something like this to write to all clients, like on a timer:

    _pool.for_each_active([] (auto const& conn) {
        send_message(conn, hello_world_packet);
  • a sample listener that shows how it ties in with the connection_pool (which has a sample method to close all connections)

Code Listings

  • connection.hpp

    #pragma once
    #include "xxx/net/rpc/protocol.hpp"
    #include "log.hpp"
    #include "stats_filer.hpp"
    #include <memory>
    namespace xxx { namespace net { namespace rpc {
        struct connection : std::enable_shared_from_this<connection>, protected LogSource {
            typedef std::shared_ptr<connection> ptr;
            friend struct io;
            friend struct listener;
            boost::asio::io_service& _svc;
            protocol::socket _socket;
            protocol::endpoint _ep;
            protocol::endpoint _peer;
            connection(boost::asio::io_service& svc, protocol::endpoint ep)
                : LogSource("rpc::connection"),
            void init() {
                _peer = _socket.remote_endpoint();
                g_stats_filer_p->inc_value("asio." + _ep.address().to_string() + ".sockets_accepted");
                debug() << "New connection from " << _peer;
            protocol::endpoint endpoint() const { return _ep;     } 
            protocol::endpoint peer() const     { return _peer;   } 
            protocol::socket&  socket()         { return _socket; } 
            // TODO encapsulation
            int handle() {
                return _socket.native_handle();
            bool valid() const { return _socket.is_open(); }
            void cancel() {
      [this] { _socket.cancel(); }); 
            using shutdown_type = boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_type;
            void shutdown(shutdown_type what = shutdown_type::shutdown_both) {
      [=] { _socket.shutdown(what); }); 
            ~connection() {
                g_stats_filer_p->inc_value("asio." + _ep.address().to_string() + ".sockets_disconnected");
    } } }
  • connection_pool.hpp

    #pragma once
    #include <mutex>
    #include "xxx/threads/null_mutex.hpp"
    #include "xxx/net/rpc/connection.hpp"
    #include "stats_filer.hpp"
    #include "log.hpp"
    namespace xxx { namespace net { namespace rpc {
        // not thread-safe by default, but pass e.g. std::mutex for `Mutex` if you need it
        template <typename Ptr = xxx::net::rpc::connection::ptr, typename Mutex = xxx::threads::null_mutex>
        struct basic_connection_pool : LogSource {
            using WeakPtr = std::weak_ptr<typename Ptr::element_type>;
            basic_connection_pool(std::string name = "connection_pool", size_t size)
                : LogSource(std::move(name)), _pool(size) 
            { }
            bool try_insert(Ptr const& conn) {
                std::lock_guard<Mutex> lk(_mx);
                auto slot = std::find_if(_pool.begin(), _pool.end(), std::mem_fn(&WeakPtr::expired));
                if (slot == _pool.end()) {
                    g_stats_filer_p->inc_value("asio." + conn->endpoint().address().to_string() + ".connections_dropped");
                    error() << "dropping connection from " << conn->peer() << ": connection pool (" << _pool.size() << ") saturated";
                    return false;
                *slot = conn;
                return true;
            template <typename F>
            void for_each_active(F action) {
                auto locked = [=] {
                    using namespace std;
                    lock_guard<Mutex> lk(_mx);
                    vector<Ptr> locked(_pool.size());
                    transform(_pool.begin(), _pool.end(), locked.begin(), mem_fn(&WeakPtr::lock));
                    return locked;
                for (auto const& p : locked)
                    if (p) action(p);
            constexpr static bool synchronizing() {
                return not std::is_same<xxx::threads::null_mutex, Mutex>();
            void dump_stats(LogSource::LogTx tx) const {
                // lock is assumed!
                size_t empty = 0, busy = 0, idle = 0;
                for (auto& p : _pool) {
                    switch (p.use_count()) {
                        case 0:  empty++; break;
                        case 1:  idle++;  break;
                        default: busy++;  break;
                tx << "usage empty:" << empty << " busy:" << busy << " idle:" << idle;
            Mutex _mx;
            std::vector<WeakPtr> _pool;
        // TODO FIXME use null_mutex once growing is no longer required AND if
        // en-pooling still only happens from the single IO thread (XXX-2535)
        using server_connection_pool = basic_connection_pool<xxx::net::rpc::connection::ptr, std::mutex>;
    } } }
  • listener.hpp

    #pragma once
    #include "xxx/threads/null_mutex.hpp"
    #include <mutex>
    #include "xxx/net/rpc/connection_pool.hpp"
    #include "xxx/net/rpc/io_operations.hpp"
    namespace xxx { namespace net { namespace rpc {
        struct listener : std::enable_shared_from_this<listener>, LogSource {
            typedef std::shared_ptr<listener> ptr;
            protocol::acceptor _acceptor;
            protocol::endpoint _ep;
            listener(boost::asio::io_service& svc, protocol::endpoint ep, server_connection_pool& pool) 
                : LogSource("rpc::listener"), _acceptor(svc), _ep(ep), _pool(pool)
                ::fcntl(_acceptor.native(), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); // FIXME use non-racy socket factory?
            void accept_loop(std::function<void(connection::ptr conn)> on_accept) {
                auto self = shared_from_this();
                auto conn = std::make_shared<xxx::net::rpc::connection>(_acceptor.get_io_service(), _ep);
                _acceptor.async_accept(conn->_socket, [this,self,conn,on_accept](boost::system::error_code ec) {
                    if (ec) {
                        auto tx = ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted? debug() : warn();
                        tx << "failed accept " << ec.message();
                    } else {
                        ::fcntl(conn->_socket.native(), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); // FIXME use non-racy socket factory?
                        if (_pool.try_insert(conn)) {
            void close() {
                _acceptor.get_io_service().post([=] {
                    _pool.for_each_active([] (auto const& sp) {
                debug() << "shutdown";
            ~listener() {
            server_connection_pool& _pool;
    } } }

¹ download as gist

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