I've downloaded the PayUMoney iOS SDK from the PayUMoney website. I'm now unable to integrate the SDK with my swift project.
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This answer is taken from PayU documentation itself, i am answering here just because it took me hours to implement with their documentation.
Hi i can guide you with NON seamless integration. https://github.com/payu-intrepos/Documentations/wiki/8.-iOS-SDK-integration#nonseamless
In non seamless integration PayU is already providing UI and will handle the card type and all payment process and at the end you will be notified for the status of your transaction with reason if failed and all details.
Download the SDK from Here:https://github.com/payu-intrepos/iOS-SDK-Sample-App/archive/3.8.1.zip
From Sample code copy file from "BusinessLayer" folder.
So i hope you have all required files now we can go further with integration.
You are integrating PayU with swift, as there is no swift SDK is not present from PayU team we have to proceed with Briding to Objective-C . You can find about this here:How to call Objective-C code from Swift
Once header file is created and configured in build setting, import the following Headers of SDK
Now we are ready to use PayU SDK into our environment/project.
Create new instance of 3 main object used for payment 1)Payment parameters 2)Hash Values 2)Helperclass// to calculate hash value
paste this above your viewDidLoad()
Here is function i have created for further processing
There are some My custom function that will through error at your side you copy paste, i am mentioning them here. Do take care of them
1)loadVC("PUUIMainStoryBoard", strVCId: VC_IDENTIFIER_PAYMENT_OPTION) //Loadvc function i have created to load view controller, you have to change it as you call your view controller
2)runOnMainThread({ // This function is for running code on main thread.
I have used all test credentials provided by PayU team you can find more in their doc :https://www.payumoney.com/pdf/PayUMoney-Technical-Integration-Document.pdf
//With this line we are adding notification sent by payment gateway to notify us regarding the status of the payment process, lets cash the notification.
You will get the response in notify.object. You can find more sophisticated language and way at their document:https://github.com/payu-intrepos/Documentations/wiki/8.-iOS-SDK-integration.
Hope this answer may help you.