I wanna create a litte page where people can create a kaleidoscope. I use an available script and added some image browse and Save-Funktionality. Now I have a weird problem with saving the resulting canvas data as an image.
Firefox console says: SecurityError: The operation is insecure
- failed for call: Canvas2Image.saveAsPNG(oCanvas);
And this occured even for pictures which come from my own site - whats that??? I checked out some tipps found here in stackoverflow. None of them could help.
- CORS doesnt fix the problem.
- .htaccess Entry had no effect: Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
Another guy seems to have same problem: How to allow cross-origin access to imgs and canvases?
Can anybody help me with this weird thing?
Thanks a lot!
Here is the test site: http://www.13lumen.de/kaleidoscopetest
The .htaccess entry on the server where the images come from has to be:
To complete CORS compatibility...
On the client-side you must also set the crossOrigin property of your Image object.
So you will need to set the crossOrigin property in your canvas2Image.js also (about line 158).
Other good references
Here's a good link to enable cross-domain transfers on your site:
And after you've configured your site, use this to test CORS compatibility:
Until you get your own site CORS compliant, you can use dropbox.com to test your site.