I'm getting this problem using VSTS continuous deployment to azure
Web Deploy cannot modify the file 'XXX' on the destination because it is locked by an external process
the solution provided in this thread is to manually restart my app in azure, however he's not using VSTS and the question was asked 2 years ago, is this issue fixed on the current VSTS and if so, I would like to know how because I'm having the same problem as the link referenced above.
You can use "EnableMSDeployAppOffline" feature to set your app offline before deployment by following the instruction here: Web publishing updates for app offline and usechecksum.
If it does not work, you can also create a PowerShell script as following to stop the app, deploy and then restart the app:
PowerShell Script from: Build and Deploy your ASP.NET 5 Application to an Azure Web App.
Essentially you need to stop - deploy - restart .
You have many options to do it but to more easy would be:
1- Extention: Azure App Services - Start and Stop you can try the extension "Azure App Services - Start and Stop" https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=rbengtsson.appservices-start-stop
2- AzureCLI task From the build or Deployment windows Add am Azure CLI task (currently in Preview)
Add one before the Deployment task with Inline script:
Add another one after the Deployment task with Inline script:
I hope that help.