I'm using Python 3.x and Selenium to work on the back-end of a webshop.
I need to upload a product image from my computer on the platform's back-end.
The image Upload button is clickable with Selenium, however clicking results in a MacOS file picker popping up.
Selenium doesn't work on the MacOS file picker. I have searched how to solve this problem and found the following answers,
However, none of this works.
The html around the button is,
<td class="control">
<div class="hide-input">
<input data-val="true" data-val-required="The Image field is required." id="FileName" name="FileName" type="text" value="File636578585362423712.png">
<div id="uploadifive-FileNameUpload" class="uploadifive-button" style="height: 18px; line-height: 18px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; text-align: center; width: 50px;">Upload<input id="FileNameUpload" type="file" name="FileNameUpload" data-editor="#FileName" data-url="" data-path="~/UserFiles/Products/Images/" data-maxsize="10240" data-extensions="*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.gif;*.bmp;" data-thumbnailwidth="128" data-thumbnailheight="128" data-thumbnailpath="/UserFiles/Products/Images/Preview/" data-uniquename="True" data-preview="/UserFiles/Products/Images/Preview/File636578585362423712.png" data-isnew="false" data-auth="2CDE59B99D5F034087CA006254189C31F4388BA02DDE1CD1752A2FCFDE6EB556406CAF9D82DE4E02AC4D7D9813E2CF8B2A1413EF7CE8CA22FDD9822130B4EC239F1BD305F8AA1E5F6E9EFD1CD64138B8A621A88A675A3A528B7DF2F0388C36C473CBAD080CF826A28A3464FB719D039690241E38" data-session="jx134u0kcaxfu4jz1darurvg" class="file-uploader hide-input" style="display: none;"><input type="file" style="font-size: 18px; opacity: 0; position: absolute; right: -3px; top: -3px; z-index: 999;"></div>
<div id="uploadifive-FileNameUpload-queue" class="uploadifive-queue"></div>
I've tried clicking the button and then sending keys,
(also tried id 'uploadifive-FileNameUpload-queue'
and id 'FileName'
in all possible combinations)
And I've tried sending without clicking, i.e. browser.find_element_by_id('uploadifive-FileNameUpload').send_keys('path/to/MyImage.jpeg')
. Again for all keys.
Whatever I try, I keep getting a ElementNotInteractableException
This is the first time I'm trying to upload an image this way, and I'm stuck.
How do I fix this?
Disable the file picker and call
on an<input type="file">
which is by design the only type of element allowed to receive/hold a file: