I need child state be able to use parent state's resolve functions. But I also need to keep same ui-view for both states. Here's a fiddle. And there's a code
.state('parent', {
url: "/",
template: '<p>Hello {{parent.one}}</p><br>'
+ '<button ng-click="goToChild()">child</button><br>',
// this one below work but I don't need it
// template: '<p>Hello {{parent.one}}</p><br>'
// + '<button ng-click="goToChild()">child</button><br>'
// + '<div ui-view></div>',
resolve: {
test: function() {
return 1;
controller: function($scope, $state, test) {
$scope.parent = { one: test };
$scope.goToChild = function() {
.state('parent.child', {
url: "/child",
template: '<p>Hello {{child.one}}</p>',
controller: function($scope, test) {
$scope.child = { one: test };
There is a working plunker.
The answer should be hidden/revealed in this two states definition:
parent with multi views
Child consuming parent resolve, and having its own
Check it here
And how it works? Well, it all is based on the:
Scope Inheritance by View Hierarchy Only
and also:
View Names - Relative vs. Absolute Names
So, the above documentation cites are the core of the plunker. The parent uses multi views, one of them is unnamed - and will be used for inheritance. Parent also injects into that view its own "parent" view. The Resolve of a parent is in place...
Child now injects into anchor of its parent, which does have all the stuff needed. That means, that child does inherit scope and also resolve stuff. It shows its own resolve as well...