How to create a ListFragment (of the support v4 library) layout from xml?
sets up its layout programmatically, so if you want to modify it, you need to mess with add/remove view.
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From the android sdk (ListFragment) (
So when you want your own layout.xml for a FragmentList overide onCreateView and inflate your own layout.
For example:
Create a android layout (yourlistlayout.xml) and put the following xml on the position where you want to show your ListFragment.
in your ListFragment class put the following code:
I've converted the created layout to xml, you can add/remove your widgets or e.g. add
solutions. You shouldn't change the needed ids. Because of internal ids needed for some of the widgets an helper function needs to be called and it needs to be in support v4 namespace since constants are internal with default visibility.list_loader.xml
and the class
(in your project, you don't need to modify support v4 jar)in your fragment that extends