I am trying to pass multiple file path arguments via command line to an Rscript which can then be processed using an arguments parser. Ultimately I would want something like this
Rscript test.R --inputfiles fileA.txt fileB.txt fileC.txt --printvar yes --size 10 --anotheroption helloworld -- etc...
passed through the command line and have the result as an array in R when parsed
args$inputfiles = "fileA.txt", "fileB.txt", "fileC.txt"
I have tried several parsers including optparse and getopt but neither of them seem to support this functionality. I know argparse does but it is currently not available for R version 2.15.2
Any ideas?
Although it wasn't released on CRAN when this question was asked a beta version of the argparse module is up there now which can do this. It is basically a wrapper around the popular python module of the same name so you need to have a recent version of python installed to use it. See install notes for more info. The basic example included sums an arbitrarily long list of numbers which should not be hard to modify so you can grab an arbitrarily long list of input files.
After searching around, and avoiding to write a new package from the bottom up, I figured the best way to input multiple arguments using the package optparse is to separate input files by a character which is most likely illegal to be included in a file name (for example, a colon)
File names can also have spaces in them as long as the spaces are escaped (optparse will take care of this)
Ultimatley, it would be nice to have a package (possibly a modified version of optparse) that would support multiple arguments like mentioned in the question and below
One would think such trivial features would be implemented into a widely used package such as optparse
The way you describe command line options is different from the way that most people would expect them to be used. Normally, a command line option would take a single parameter, and parameters without a preceding option are passed as arguments. If an argument would take multiple items (like a list of files), I would suggest parsing the string using strsplit().
Here's an example using optparse:
Here are several example runs:
Note that for the strsplit, you can use a regular expression to determine the delimiter. I would suggest something like the following, which would let you use commas or colons to separate your list:
In the front of your script test.R, you put this :
to get :
@agstudy's solution does not work properly if input arguments are lists of the same length. By default, sapply will collapse inputs of the same length into a matrix rather than a list. The fix is simple enough, just explicitly set simplify to false in the sapply parsing the arguments.