I have some code that is working on the local GAE server but once I publish it to GAE it throws the error "driver: bad connection".
Below code generates a new *sql.DB:
func NewDb() (*sql.DB, error) {
cloud := os.Getenv("dbcloud")
local := os.Getenv("dblocal")
if appengine.IsDevAppServer() {
return sql.Open("mysql", "root@tcp("+local+":3306)/dbo")
return sql.Open("mysql", "root@cloudsql("+cloud+")/dbo")
In my app.yaml I have the following:
dbcloud: 'projectid:instancename'
dblocal: 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
It seems to return a new *sql.DB correctly but once I start using prepared statements is when things start to break.
db, err := NewDb() // err is nil
stmt, err := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO dbo.Users (Id) VALUES (?)") // err is driver: bad connection
I've been fighting with this for an hour now and i'm probably doing something very stupid any help would be appreciated!
I ended up needing to change my dbcloud variable to include the region of the SQL server changing it from:
No idea why I need to do this as it's not in the docs of https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql but is all working now!