Don't know what I'm missing, but the examples I see posted do not appear to work.
I import data from a web query. I set the query to clear unused cells when it re-queries.
I used this imported data to generate a report of variable length.
However if the user (as they need to do in my case) insert rows then the ActiveSheet.UsedRange is expanded. This means I cannot any longer just do a "Ctrl-End" to find the last row in the data set when a new query is performed.
I can easily clear any data with ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Clear. However if the previous query generated a 2 or 3 page report any subsequent query will also be that long even when there is less data because the "UsedRange" still points to that last row way down there.
The examples shown like
a = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
do not reset the range.
MS defines UsedRange as a readOnly property.
It appears what needs to happen is a "File Save" in order to complete the action.
One post noted that in older versions of Excel you also had to close the workbook and reopen it to complete the action.
I would like to know 1. What is the version cutoff where this behavior changed? 2. Is there some other method using a VBA macro which will reset the range?
This may or may not suit your data needs, but if your data is all in one contiguous block, you can use CurrentRegion instead of UsedRange, like this:
Of course, if the region you care about does not start at cell A1, or if your sheet contains multiple contiguous regions that you care about, this option will not work. Depending on how predictable your data is, you can usually find at least one cell in each block of data, and once you have that, CurrentRegion will give you the range of the entire block.
Works for me on all versions of excel
I only needed to use Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Calculate after deleting rows to reset the range.
I double checked to make sure all the latests patches and service packs have been installed and they were.
I'm running Windows 10 and Excel 2016 version 16.0.6568.2034
I found that the range would only reset with the
And most importantly
without the save command the range is not reset
I've used Jeeped solution and worked for me when i add .Activate, so:
I'm using Excel2013
If you call the Worksheet.UsedRange property by itself, it will reset.
This extra step is unnecessary in xl2010 and above with all appropriate service packs installed.