I have written a batch file which uses a powershell command to delete all local git branches except one to keep. If there are german umlauts used in branch names, it does not work.
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Deleted branch DEV_API_StartenDesWorkers (was 61bec6d883b).
error: branch 'DEV_Üersicht_Drucken' not found.
error: branch 'test_pr├�fung' not found.
The correct names are DEV_Übersicht_drucken
and test_prüfung
How can I achieve to delete these branches too?
This is the script:
@echo off
set KEEP=%1
IF [%KEEP%] == [] (goto eof)
git checkout %KEEP%
powershell "git branch -D @(git branch | select-string -NotMatch %KEEP% | ForEach-Object {$_.Line.Trim() })"
From what I've read, the core of the problem is that git is writing its output in utf8 as noted by @lorek and @LeGEC in the comments, but it's being mangled by the Windows codepage in use by the command prompt.
You can reproduce the behaviour with and without PowerShell:
What's happening is git is encoding its output into utf8 bytes and then the shell is decoding that using a different encoding - something like this:
which outputs:
In my case, the magic "encoding 437" was determined by calling
to get the shell's current codepage:And the documentation for chcp tells me that 437 is the codepage for
United States
.What seems to fix the issue for me is to use codepage 65001 (i.e. UTF8) and then you get:
And this now works fine too:
Hope this helps a little bit...