Possible Duplicate:
how to select columns as rows?
I have a table with ID's, like
and so on
I have this query,
SELECT A,B,Here I need To SELECT the Id's as Column, FROM MyTable
So the Result of this will be,
A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and so on
You want a cross tab query. Check this out: http://www.simple-talk.com/sql/t-sql-programming/creating-cross-tab-queries-and-pivot-tables-in-sql/
It explains how to do a simple cross tab query which may be all you need. However, it looks like you may also benefit from the stored procedure the writer created to overcome some shortcomings of the cross tab query.
You've the answer already in SO :)
See here or here. When you fill the question pay attention, usually it gives you similar questions :)