I created an angular js program for downloading a file from the server here follows the code
<a download="fullList.csv" ng-href="{{ fullListUrl }}" type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-xs exec-batch" ng-click="exportCSVBulk(batchExec)">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span> EXPORT AS CSV
AngularJS Controller
var page = "../importExportService/exportBulkCSV/"+batchExec.id;
$http.get(page).success(function(response) {
$scope.fullListUrl = 'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + escape(response);
Here what i am doing is when a user click on the EXPORT AS CSV
link the function exportCSVBulk
fires and from that function the url value (fullListUrl) sets. But this is an ajax request, so when a user click on the link the url, the response time become little bit long which results the url will not redirected properly. Is it possible to fix this problem? or is there is any alternative way to fix this?
I have faced the similar issue for downloading files such as .pdf, .xls, .xlsx etc through Ajax.
Its a fact that we cant download files through Ajax, even though i came up with a solution which downloads files through Ajax like.
You can use jquery.fileDownload - A jQuery File Download Plugin for Ajax like, feature rich file downloads.
Demo Working
Server Side
I am using Spring at the server side
Client Side
At the client side, I am using AngularJS
Download Link - jquery.fileDownload.js
I created a more angular way solution. The server has to provide content-type and content-disposition if you want to sync with server info, although you could add type and download properties manually.