Ok, so i'm a complete newb with oracle. Now that that's out of the way;
I think you can get an understand of what i'm trying to do below. For each stored procedure found, output the DDL to a filename with it's name.
The problem is i can't figure out how to get the spool target to pick up the value of FileName which is being set by the cursor.
objName varchar2(50);
FileName varchar2(50);
cursor curProcs is
select OBJECT_NAME into objName
ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME; -- get all procs in db
open curProcs;
if curProcs%ISOPEN THEN
FETCH curProcs into objName;
FileName := 'C:\ ' || objName || '.PRC.SQL';
spool FileName; --BREAKS
spool off;
Any ideas as to where i'm going wrong? and if anyone has an example of this i would appreciate it greatly.
I feel i must be dancing around it because if i create a column initially then
spool &ColName
i get a result, i just can't seem to dynmically change that &colname
Thanks for your help.
I think UTL_FILE would be much better suited for your needs here. SPOOL is really supposed to be a command to instruct sqlplus to write the output to a file. Typically I use this for stuff like ... "hey DBA run my script and send me the output".
First you need to define a directory. Syntax is easy:
Now you can use that in your code:
I found a better solution without the need to declare/begin/end code blocks or query statements.
A sample spool filename with the date and time can be achieved by:
My file name:27JUN2011_1727.lst
You can even specify the file extension if you need to (eg .txt). Just create another variable.
source: http://oracle.ittoolbox.com/groups/technical-functional/oracle-apps-l/variable-file-name-with-spool-1508529
SPOOL is a SQLPlus directive and you can't mix it into the PL/SQL anonymous block. If you're going to do this purely in SQLPlus, I think the general idea would be to process in two passes, i.e. use a first script that dynamically generates the spool filename references into a second script that actually makes the dbms_metadata call.