In RP Niemeyer's article Knockout.js Performance Gotcha #3 - All Bindings Fire Together, an approach to building a dropdown list is provided:
<select data-bind="value: selectedOption">
<!-- ko foreach: options -->
<option data-bind="attr: { value: id }, text: name"></option>
<!-- /ko -->
This code is also in a jsfiddle from the article.
However, when I employed this method of building a select in a project, it was working just fine, until I tested in Internet Explorer 8. IE8 failed and was "unable to parse bindings".
Indeed, running the fiddle from the article in IE8 also results in an error. Is there a way to build the select in IE8 (I assume IE8 or less) using knockout's foreach?
Although this is an issue, there is really no need to use a 'foreach' here. Knockout includes the 'options' binding for a select that quite happily works in IE8.
Please see the documentation here:
Can be changed to:
Hope this helps.
Yes, that is definitely an issue. I will have to update the post. IE will strip comments from inside the select.
Here is an issue that we saw on github that is similar:
One solution is to use Michael Best's
binding: of the things that it allows you to do is repeat a single element multiple times with a different context. So, in that case it would act similar to the containerless syntax, just without the comments.
Sample with repeat:
You can also choose to use the other technique from the article (
), unless you need more control over your option elements.