I recently updated version of EXT JS to 5 and and override of doSort function no longer works. Someone an idea how to do ?
Exampple of override :
text: 'Custom',
sortable : true,
dataIndex: 'customsort',
doSort: function(state) {
var ds = this.up('grid').getStore();
var field = this.getSortParam();
property: field,
direction: state,
sorterFn: function(v1, v2){
v1 = v1.get(field);
v2 = v2.get(field);
return v1.length > v2.length ? 1 : (v1.length < v2.length ? -1 : 0);
Edit 1 : I just try the solution of @tomgranerod but the me.sortState is always 'undefined'. So I do this to update my variable :
sort: function () {
var me = this,
grid = me.up('tablepanel'),
store = grid.store;
me.sortState = me.sortState === 'ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
me.sorting = true;
property: me.getSortParam(),
direction: me.sortState,
sortFn: function (v1, v2) {
v1 = v1.get(field);
v2 = v2.get(field);
return v1.length > v2.length ? 1 : (v1.length < v2.length ? -1 : 0);
delete me.sorting;
But the sortFn funcion is never called. I don't know why. ===> !!!! it works with EXT JS 5.0.1 but the sortFin function is always never called. !!!!
Edit 2 : This is what i attempt to have :
if (v1 and v2 are numbers) return v1 > v2;
else if (v1 is a number and v2 a string) return false;
else if (v1 is a string and v2 a number) return true;
else if (v1 and v2 are strings) return v1 > v2;
if (v1 and v2 are numbers) return v1 < v2;
else if (v1 is a number and v2 a string) return true;
else if (v1 is a string and v2 a number) return false;
else if (v1 and v2 are strings) return v1 < v2;
The equivalent function to doSort in ExtJS 5, seem to be 'sort', after a quick look at the source code of Ext.grid.column.Column. The sortState parameter that I've used in this example seem to have been introduced in ExtJS 5.0.1.
However the solution Juan Mendes describe is a much safer and viable solution than overriding the internal sort function.
I finally find a way to compare two records during the sort :
1) Define a custom Column :
2) set the new type to the column in your grid (with alias) and don't forget to set properly the requires config :
You were overriding a private method. So it's almost expected that it would break after a major release. If you look at http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/5.0.0/apidocs/source/Column2.html#Ext-grid-column-Column You'll see that there's no
function anymore.Ext's suggested way is by to use
config can take a function which converts your value into something that sorts naturally, usually the easiest thing is to convert it into a number. So if you want something slightly different, you can modify the code I've posted to do what you want without overriding private methods.Running Example: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/8km
If you're going to be reusing this functionality, take a look at http://spin.atomicobject.com/2012/07/20/simple-natural-sorting-in-extjs/
You need to use
sorterFn not sortFn