I want to receive a sms in my app, but I don't want my Android to show a notification about that event. Algorithm:
1) Receive sms (it's ok)
2) If this is a sms with special content-format (for my app) - process it with my app and don't display a notification.
3) If this is a simple message - I don't want to process it, so a notification must be displayed.
I tried to use an ordered broadcast, but it doesn't help. Somewhere I read that SMS_RECEIVE's broadcast is not ordered, but I saw some apps, which can receive SMS without notify.
Does anyone can help me or show me the right way to solve this problem?
Upd.: calling abortBroadcast() in boradcast doesn't help
not sure if i know exactly what you are trying to do but from what i understand you just want to know how to not send a notification?
why cant you just do:
if you mean you want to block the OS from broadcasting it then you might be out of luck because i dont believe you can do that
This should be possible by registering your app to receive SMS messages and then using abortBroadcast() when you detect your message has arrived. You say abortBroadcast() doesn't work - is the SMS definitely getting handled by your SMS receiver?
For anybody else wanting to do this, read on...
First, declare the SMS receiver in your AndroidManifest.xml and make sure the app has permission to receive SMS messages.
Here's some example code to handle the SMS messages:
yo need android:priority attribute for that to work
set priority in your intent-filter // in manifest
// in broadcast receiver
You should not do this. Other apps might want or need to receive the SMS_RECEIVED broadcast. Aborting it will disrupt 3rd party apps from running properly. This is a bad way to program. you should only abort broadcasts that you create, not system broadcasts. I don't know why the Android OS lets you do this.
You are doing one mistake, because you fired abortBroadcast(); if your special message so the message broadcasting is aborted, therefore SMS notification is not Showing, and sms is not saving in Inbox, You have to make your own Notification in "onRecive" if your special message is received. Example:
I hope this will solve your Problem