I got a problem with BLE on iOS. My case as below: I'm developing application connect to device BLE 4.0. My problem is incoming call function. The scenario of this function is after connected between device BLE and application, when phone is received a phone call, my application will send data to BLE device and make it vibrate and light blinking.
Current I tried 4 case below, but successful in 3 case and the rest case is fail:
Case 1:(successful) When app on Foreground --> Incoming call --> App can send vibrate and light blinking message to BLE device
Case 2:(successful) When click home and app go to background--> Incoming call --> App can send vibrate and light blinking message to BLE device
Case 3:(successful) When click home and app go to background and click sleep mode button --> Incoming call --> App can send vibrate and light blinking message to BLE device
Case 4:(FAIL) When click double on home button and termianate app on background (remove app on task manager)--> Incoming call --> App cannot send vibrate and light blinking message to BLE device
Do anyone get same this case before and have any experience, idea for this help?
Thanks for your support!
On iOS, there are two ways an app is completely terminated:-
For the first scenario, you need to add support for State Preservation and Restoration. From Documentation Archive from Apple:-
Basically, you need to add code to support this feature as it is not enabled by default. Please have a look at the link below, specifically the section "Adding Support for State Preservation and Restoration":-
Core Bluetooth Background Processing for iOS Apps
For the second scenario, if the user terminates/kills the app, then there is no way for the app to restore or relaunch itself. There is a security and behavioural reason for this in that if there is a bug or an issue and you force killed the app, you wouldn't want your app to somehow relaunch itself, because otherwise you'll end in an infinite loop and you will never be able to fully terminate the buggy app. Please have a look at the following link that further explains this:-
https://www.raywenderlich.com/1395-state-restoration-tutorial-getting-started https://medium.com/arkulpa/ios-stay-connected-to-an-external-ble-device-as-much-as-possible-699d434846d2
This is also mentioned indirectly in the Documentation Archive:-
I hope this helps.