Since the System.Data.OracleClient library has been deprecated, we are in the process of migrating our code base to use Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) instead. One of the issues that we have encountered is that the System.Data.OracleClient uses parameter name binding as opposed to binding by position and all of the code directly access the System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand as opposed to using an intermediate data layer.
Since there is quite a bit of code, is there an easy way to force the ODP.NET OracleCommand.BindByName to be true by default, or must we go through and set the value each time that it is used? Failing at that, is there an easy way to insert that line of code in Visual Studio 2008?
Add partial class for your TableAdapter, and add method, or property, as you want, with this code:
With Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client, you can configure in app.config:
I had the same problem with SqlDataSource Update commands after porting ASPX code to Oracle.DataAcees.Client and solved it by changing OracleCommand.BindByName property in SqlDataSource OnUpdating handler like this:
To reduce # lines of code
I didn't try it but,
I have seen something like
" in PetaPoco.cs file.Maybe it can help.
I resolved this issue setting the BindByName property in the handler of the SqlDataSource Updating event: