I'm running an ASP .NET (v4.5) Web Site Project under VS 2012 Update 2. When I create a new entity model (.edmx) under the App_Code folder, nested under the .edmx file is only the .Designer.cs and the .edmx.diagram files. The associated .tt files are not nested. I think this is why, when I save the model, the T4 templates are not automatically transformed, even though that option is specified in the model properties.
Any ideas how to get this working? I cannot use the DependentUpon XML tag in a project file, since Web Site Projects do not have project files.
Open the .tt file and choose save. This runs the T4 template.
Web Site does not support Nested Project Files, whereas Web Applications support it.I highly you suggest to use a Web Application.
The only way that I found in past is to Run Manually T4 (Right Click on a TT File) or use a pre build event to run T4.