#include <iostream>
#include <future>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
int sampleFunction(int a)
return a;
int main()
future<int> f1=async(launch::deferred,sampleFunction,10);
future_status statusF1=f1.wait_for(seconds(10));
cout<<"Future is ready"<<endl;
else if (statusF1==future_status::timeout)
cout<<"Timeout occurred"<<endl;
else if (statusF1==future_status::deferred)
cout<<"Task is deferred"<<endl;
cout<<"Value : "<<f1.get()<<endl;
Output -
Timeout occurred
Value : 10
In above example, I was expecting future_status
to be deferred
instead of timeout
. sampleFunction
has been launched as launch::deferred
. Hence it will not be executed until f1.get()
has been called. In such condition wait_for
should have returned future_status::deferred
and not future_status::timeout
Appreciate if someone can help me understand this. I am using g++ version 4.7.0 on fedora 17.
GCC and the GNU STL have no support of the complete C++ 11.
Here you can check out the C++ 11 implementation status in GCC and GNU STL:
Also, read this discussion thread: http://blog.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gcc.bugs/month=20120201